The River Tagus is where it all began: Will Bossman took on the trip as a challenge and invited Liam Harrison along. Taking on the blazing Spanish-Portuguese Summer heat, they kayaked 750km across the Iberian peninsula. This set the ground work for low carbon adventures and inspired the creation of EcoTripping.
Scroll down for photos, maps and info about the trip:

More Info
“On a bright late summer morning in 2017 a friend in Aranjuez (Spain) gave me the idea of kayaking the Tagus from Madrid to Lisbon. Itiwit were very supportive and offered me and Liam Harrison (joining in Portugal) each a 2 Man Inflatable Kayak. These were ideal for taking on the flight from the UK, and for doing the considerable portage I expected in order to navigate the Tagus and its many dams and weirs.
Will Bossman, 2018
Starting on the riverbanks of Aranjuez, in the Communidad de Madrid, Spain, the trip meandered 750km to the finishing point at Belem Tower in Lisbon, Portugal.
The Tagus is the longest river in the Iberian Peninsula and along the way there are 20 dams, five lakes and the longest bridge in Europe.
This was the first EcoTrip - conjured up by Will Bossman who planned the journey and did the Spanish leg solo.
For a detailed account of he trip see Will's blog for Itiwit.

A huge thanks to our sponsors Itiwit for supplying the equipment for the trip. Their generosity made the trip possible: