The Great Glen was going to go down as one of our greatest trips, the plan was to take the touristy path up Ben Nevis (the tallest mountain in the UK) with the aim of collecting as much plastic and rubbish as we can carry. Then we'd paddle through the Caledonian Canals and onto Loch Ness, again, grabbing all the litter we can get our hands on. Alas, Covid cut the trip short... we did the mountain but not the paddle (or at least, we didn't do much padddling).
Scroll down for photos, maps and info about the trip:
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This trip was cut short due to one of the team getting Covid (magic how not all of us did, we were sharing a tent together...). We got the train up to Fort William with the goal of climbing Ben Nevis, paddling the Caledonian Canal, through the Lochs and finishing in Inverness.
We had some good environmental work to do along the way too which is a real shame we couldn't complete: litter-picking, air quality monitoring, removal of himalayan balsam, and some local volunteering.
If you want any more info, feel free to drop us a line.